Ramayana The Legend of Prince Rama, the highly anticipated re-release of the 1993 India-Japan animated film, will hit theatres across India in 2025 January. The movie will be available in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and its original language English. With its epic story of Ramayana, the film is expected to generate a massive box office collection.
The film, Ramayana The Legend of Prince Rama gained maximum popularity only on television after its release, it was never released in theatres during the early 2000s. This time, the movie is set to make a major impact as it is re-released in 4K across the theatres, and creates excitement in the audience about the box office success. The movie was a collaborative production between Japan and India.
Prediction: Currently, 122.2k people have shown interest in watching the movie on BookMyShow before its release. Ramayana The Legend of Prince Rama is expected to earn ₹15 Cr or more on its opening day and exceed ₹50 Cr during its opening weekend at the box office.
The animated film Ramayana The Legend of Prince Rama, directed by Padma Shri Ram Mohan with creative director Vijayendra Prasad features the voices of Yudhvir Dahiya, MV Satyanarayana, Sonal Kaushal, Nikhil Kapoor, and Cyrus Broacha. This revamped version offers an engaging and immersive experience for today’s generation, while also making a strong impact with its growing box office collections.
Budget and Profit: Ramayana The Legend of Prince Rama anime movie was made on a budget of 800 million Japanese Yen. The re-release of the film on January 24, 2025, is produced by Excel Entertainment, which is owned by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani. As the collection updates are received daily, the movie’s profit will be updated accordingly.
Ramayana The Legend of Prince Rama Box Office Collection
Here is the breakdown of collection in India
- Day 1 (1st Friday): TBA
- Day 2 (1st Saturday): TBA
Total Net Collection: TBA
Must Read: Sky Force Box Office Collection
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Disclaimer: The box office collection of Ramayana The Legend of Prince Rama comes from different sources and research by Timsip team members. The numbers may not be exact and could differ from the figures provided by producers. Timsip does not guarantee the accuracy of this data.